Welcome to our Blog

This year in 2019 we will be Nomads in the truest sense of the word as we are officially “homeless”! We have packed up our astonishingly abundant belongings, a two months endeavour, and let our place to another family. All our furniture is in storage and we will live for at least a year in our not so shabby “trailer”/boat.

At the end of March we followed the sun by heading west to what we aptly call Western Australia, crossed New South Wales and saw a part of South Australia which was totally new to us. 

Once we hit Perth we travelled north along the west coast up to Exmouth where mid- May we met up with our daughter Lisa and family and swam with the whale sharks at Ningaloo Reef.

In late May we left our car and caravan in storage and flew via Perth to our boat in The Netherlands, where this years itinerary can be seen via our usual blog at www.robos.com.au.

We arrived back on Australian soil in September, and continue our tour through the Northwest of Australia.

Like always it is sad to leave our family and friends behind, but comforting to know that you occasionally look us up and travel with us at least in spirit! 

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© Austin Robinson 2019