
The two “must see” things in Dubbo are the Western Plains Zoo and the Old Dubbo Gaol. Although we have seen both twice before, we revisited them again.

In the forecourt of the gaol, a very enthusiastic young girl in period costume told us funny stories about failed escapes of former prisoners. One released prisoner actually climbed over the wall back into prison to bring his former cellmate a bottle of wine - that’s sooo Aussie! Poor guy was convicted of breaking into prison and bringing in an illegal substance. He got another 6 months inside for it and the warden got the bottle of wine!

If ever one of the animals of Dubbo Zoo would be “released”, I think they would also climb back in. Their enclosures are so spacious and well designed for their needs and their diet so well balanced, they would be stupid not to!

Here are some of them. These photos, taken by Austin, are especially for our grandchildren, Jaxon and Iliana (and for Nina who asked for them).

Baby Elephant 

This little baby elephant is called Sabai. His birth weight was
101 kg! Sabai means in Thai “peaceful, relaxed, comfortable”.

Another interesting fact is that an adult elephant produces 100kg of dung per day!

Here is a birdie for Ili, because she loves birds. It’s called a superb fairy wren. And this tiger is for Jaxon because he can climb and jump like a tiger.

© Austin Robinson 2019